I've been working on this for a few years and have over 6,000 ancesters.
Poke around and have fun.
The first individual of this genealogy is
James Carter Walker (6 Mar 1956). His/her 2,801 ancestors have been found over 23 generations.
The oldest of his/her ancestors is
Geoffrey Walkare Eolwalker (1230).
The individual with the longest ancestors line is
Ellery Dwight Garrison (20 Apr 2015) with ancestors on 25 generations.
It is the individual with the largest number of ancestors.
The most frequent place of this genealogy is England.
This genealogy includes 6,024 individuals and 3,644 families representing 3,368 lastnames and 505 different places.
Amongst these individuals, in addition to the de-cujus individual, 2,801 are direct ancestors, 237 are people genetically related and 2,985 are not from the same lineage.
The 3,644 unions including 2,927 marriages have given birth to 1.07 children on average.
Author: James Walker
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Contact me by email
These pages have been created by Ancestris WebBook on Jan 13, 2023 at 15:33.